Monthly Rankings
Monthly rankings will be determined through the amount of AcademiCoin that the user has received. The user with the highest rating for that month will be the “Top Tutor” or “Top Mentee.”
What is AcademiCoin?
In essence, AcademiCoin is a currency for our tutors. That definition isn’t literal, of course. That means it isn’t real currency. The amount of AcademiCoin you accumulate each month will help determine your placement for that month. AcademiCoin is determined by the time spent tutoring and your ratings. Keep in mind that there is a monthly prize for top tutor!
How do I earn AcademiCoin while tutoring?
For every hour of tutoring, you will earn one AcademiCoin. If it’s not exactly an hour, then you will earn corresponding amount of AcademiCoin. For instance, for 30 minutes, you’ll receive ½ AcademiCoin; for 45 minutes, you’ll receive ¾ AcademiCoin. The same applies for any other duration. We will need proof of the hours, which is why the Zoom sessions are recorded.
How do the ratings work?
At the end of every week, you will receive an email with a form attached to it. If you are a tutor, you will have to rate your interactions with your mentee for that week. If you are a mentee, you will have to rate your interactions with your tutor. Please give your honest rating — it will help us improve the program.
How do I win the monthly prize?
If you are a tutor, there are two main ways to increase your AcademiCoin count and, in effect, your monthly ranking. You want to get the highest possible number in both of them. The two ways are the following:
Time spent tutoring. To gain AcademiCoin you must show proof that you are actually tutoring. This proof comes in the form of the recorded Zoom meetings. At the end of the month, we will total the amount of time spent tutoring.
Quality of time. This is measured by how well your mentees rate you. At the end of the month, we will use all the ratings and average them to have your monthly rating.